post sound work

Wheels of a Mother; Dir. Celi Mitidieri

LA Metro Project; Flowers; Dir. Matthew Oquend

Oral History of SF Chinatown; Dir. Dana Shew

Nuevos Canarios; Dir. Brenda Avila-Hanna.Megan Martinez Goltz

Old Stage Road; Dir. Ivan Ramirez

Ashes from Ashes; Dir. Dana Shew

Actor Migrante; Dir. Raul Dorantes

Internship with Jeremiah Moore at Hyde Street Studios

production work

LA Metro Project; Flowers

Wheels of a Mother

Kirk the Blacksmith; Dir. Azad Azizyan

El Nido; Dir. Maria Mayo

Old Stage Road

So to Speak; Dir. Celine Parreñas-Shimizu

picture edit work

TEDEd Internal Documentary Interview Series

Ashes from Ashes: Recovering Cremains from Northern California Wildfires